2019-20 Fellowship with Virginia Solicitor General’s Office

August 24, 2018

Hello Students,

Please find below a new job opportunity in Virignia and take note applicants do not need to be admitted to the Virginia bar but the person who is hired would need to sit for the Virginia bar no later than July 2019. Previous appellate clerkship is highly favorable.

Virginia’s Attorney General is looking for an exceptional lawyer to serve as our second John Marshall Fellow in the Office of the Solicitor General. A longtime resident of Richmond, Chief Justice Marshall served as Virginia’s acting Attorney General in 1794 and 1795.

Our Office is small, busy, and growing. The Fellow will work directly with the Solicitor General and our other two attorneys. In the last year, the Office has had three merits cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and recently filed a petition for a writ of certiorari in a fourth. During that same period, our three attorneys have made 29 oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Fourth Circuit, and the Supreme Court of Virginia. The Office also advises the Attorney General and state officials about a wide variety of high-profile and sensitive matters and helps coordinate the Commonwealth’s participation in multi-state litigation. The Fellow will have the opportunity to personally brief and argue an appellate case during the year.

Qualifications, Term, and Compensation:

This is a one-year fellowship (summer 2019 to summer 2020) aimed at attorneys who have been out of law school fewer than three years. Applicants must possess exceptional academic backgrounds, strong writing skills, and a passion for public service. A previous appellate clerkship is strongly preferred. Applicants need not currently be members of the Virginia bar, but the person who is hired will need to have sat for the Virginia bar no later than July 2019. Compensation will be approximately $65,000.

Please view this attachment for more information about the application process.